This was inspiring work, Master Orton. Your Substack is criminally underpopular.
I've left more detailed comments in my notes. It's heartbreaking just how dark things look now. The worst of '39, '45, and '48 seem to've come all at once. But it's important to keep pressing on against evil all the same. If those for whom goodness meant considerable more risk, including death, could manage it, then those of us whom still enjoy the comforts of freedom, plenty, and happiness have far less excuse.
This was inspiring work, Master Orton. Your Substack is criminally underpopular.
I've left more detailed comments in my notes. It's heartbreaking just how dark things look now. The worst of '39, '45, and '48 seem to've come all at once. But it's important to keep pressing on against evil all the same. If those for whom goodness meant considerable more risk, including death, could manage it, then those of us whom still enjoy the comforts of freedom, plenty, and happiness have far less excuse.
Absolutely. A duty for those of us who can. And thank you so much!